Our animals are one of the best things about Isinglass Estate...
Established 2016 in Miami County, Kansas by The Vore Family, Isinglass Estate is truly a piece of paradise.
We do our absolute best to share our incredible 600-acre property with the world, by offering countless experiences and opportunities to learn and explore for everyone!
The Petting Zoo is available anytime the Tasting Room is open, and more extensive Farm Tours can be scheduled anytime for Estate guests.

Residences on property: 11
Beds: 48
Horses: 11
English Baby Doll Sheep: 3
Kunekune Pigs: 4
Dwarf Nigerian Goats: 4
Chickens: 8
Tibetan Yak: 1
Dexter Cow: 1
Acres of Vineyard: 40
Varietals of Grapes: 12+
Miles of trails: 15
Miles of river frontage: 1
Acres of water: about 45
Acres of Polo Fields: 15

English BabyDoll Lambs
Arrive every Spring

Dexter Cows
...are just the right size!

Nigerian Dwarf Goats
We have no idea what they do...

Findlay the Yak
Because, why not?

Some retired, some earning their grain...

KuneKune Piglets
Are, in fact, the cutest thing ever!